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Spring 2025 Volunteer Requirements

Our league functions on the contribution and participation of our families with the purpose of improving the Little League experience of our players. With that in mind, we ask all families who register to participate in the following ways:

  • Contribute 8 volunteer hours AND
  • Work two (2) different shifts in the Snack Shack (2 hours each shift, 4 hours total)

Included in the registration this year will be a $250 fee to cover the 8-hour volunteer requirement per family. Families may apply for a refund at the end of the season when all 8 hours have been completed. More information on the refund can be found on the Reimbursement Guidelines page.

A family may choose to use a postdated check for $250 to cover the volunteer fee when registering. The check is due at the January tryouts. Failure to bring a check will prevent your child from trying out and participating in 2025. Your check will need to be made out to Briarwood Little League and postdated to 6/30/2025. It will only be cashed on 7/1/25 if all volunteer requirements are NOT met.

Lastly, we realize that not all families are able to meet the above snack shack commitments. You may elect to “buy-out” this obligation, however, BELL highly encourages you to donate your time instead. The cost to buy out the snack shack shift is $100 per shift, a total of $200 for both shifts.

For more detail on what volunteer opportunities we will have for 2025, please visit the BELL Volunteer Opportunities page for further information.

Snack Shack Information

The Snack Shack provides an important source of revenue to help offset operating expenses, such as picture day, jerseys, etc., To make the snack shack a success, we are dependent on families within our league. Our goal is to have enough coverage so the Snack Shack remains open for business for all scheduled games. 

Briarwood Snack Shack:
3360 Cabrillo Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
*Right behind the Major Field*

Lou Vierra Snack Shack:
2593 Raggio Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
*Located at Lou Vierra Baseball Field

Snack Shack Manager:
Maribel Chavez
[email protected]

Important Information about Snack Shack Shifts

  • To sign up for your Snack Shack commitment Sign up here.  Our snack shack slots are set up automatically as 2 or 3 hour shifts. Of course, for those of you who are willing and able, we are happy to have you volunteer more!
  • Please note: shifts are set up on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • Volunteers are first on the list to get shift's. "Buyout workers" will get shifts that we have no volunteers for.
  • Each registered ballplayers' (Parent or Guardian) is responsible for fulfilling at least two (2) assigned snack shack shifts for the season. The Team Parent will have a spreadsheet that shows how many shifts have been completed.
  • Only ballplayers' parent/Guardian are able to work the snack shack. For safety and security reasons adults outside the immediate family may not work a parent’s shift to fulfill the family’s volunteer obligation. Under certain conditions teenagers 14 and older can assist while there is an adult working. 
  • Teenage volunteer shifts need to be approved by the Snack Shack Manager prior to sign up. Anyone under 18 who wants to volunteer or work at the snack shack as a "Buyout Worker," please complete the Briarwood El Camino Little League - Teen Application Form prior to working in the Snack Shack.Teens may not work until it is confirmed BELL has recieved parent/guardian permission. 
  • There MUST be at least one person over the age of 18 at all times while the teen is working in the Snack Shack.
  • Snack Shack coverage may be longer than your child's game. Please take that into account when signing up for a shift.
  • If you are the first game of the day, please arrive 30 minutes BEFORE game time to set everything up.
  • For those who are working an ending shift, please stay until all clean up duties are completed.
  • For all all shifts, do not leave if there is not a replacement volunteer. Please stay until someone comes to relieve you.
  • Parents will receive an email from their team’s Team Parent (TP) regarding sign ups for Snack Shack. Parents who choose to to pay the “Buyout fee” of $100.00 will need to coordinate the payment with the Volunteer Coordinator and the League Treasurer.
  • Players whose parents do not fulfill their volunteer commitment or pay the “Buyout Fee” will not be allowed to register for BELL next year.

Local Sponsors

Briarwood El Camino Little League

2010 El Camino Real #724 
Santa Clara, California 95050

Phone: 408-750-0038

Email: [email protected]

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