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Reimbursement Guidelines

2025 Briarwood El Camino Little League Volunteer Fee Reimbursement Guidelines

Briarwood El Camino Little League is a 100% volunteer run organization. Without community and family support, Briarwood baseball wouldn’t happen. During registration, you paid a $250 volunteer fee, and we want you to get it back! If you volunteer your time with Briarwood during the season, we will reimburse you the $250. To receive a volunteer fee reimbursement, you MUST do all of the following:

  • Contribute 8 volunteer hours AND
  • Work two (2) different shifts in the Snack Shack (2 hours each shift, 4 hours total)
Completion of these requirements are managed by the Volunteer Coordinator, Team Parent Coordinator, and the individual team parents.

During various events and in support of various baseball activities, volunteers should check in with the available QR code. Once the check in is completed, it will be shared with the Volunteer Coordinator, Team Parent Coordinator, and the individual team parents.

1.      SIGN UP to volunteer with your team parent. Please refer to the BELL Volunteer Opportunities webpage for more detail on what will count towards volunteer hours. Opportunities include:

- Assisting at tryouts
- helping on opening/closing day
- helping on any of the field cleanup days
- helping with running the scoreboard during games or managing GameChanger for your child's team
- helping with any of the BELL events like the home run derby, t-ball classic, and others

2.      CHECK IN for your selected volunteer shift(s) at the press box, storage area, or in the Snack Shack so we know you volunteered. A QR code will be posted for you to scan and complete the linked form.

3.      SUBMIT the Volunteer Fee Reimbursement Form at the end of the season so we can pay you back!

OR be a Coach, Team Parent, or Umpire for the full season to get the volunteer fee reimbursement. Each team may only have two (2) coaches—a manager and assistant coach and one (1) Team Parent. Reimbursement also requires the completion of the Volunteer Fee Reimbursement Form.


1.      Do I need to volunteer for three shifts for each of my children? Nope, the volunteer requirements are per each family.

2.     Does helping coaches during the season count for the reimbursement? Thanks so much for helping our coaches! To get the volunteer fee reimbursement, supporting the team and/or coaches does not count as one of the volunteer opportunities (unless you are a registered coach or Team Parent).

3.      Is there a difference between volunteering for a team in the Snack Shack and volunteering to get the volunteer fee reimbursement? No, every player's parent/guardian on a team has a requirement to satisfy a certain number of Snack Shack shifts. Every player's parent/guardian on each team sign up for these shifts here or by using a link received from the Team Parent. You can sign up for volunteer reimbursement fee opportunities using the links above.

4.      If I miss the deadline to request my reimbursement, can I still get it? We love Briarwood, but we must close the books on the season! Please submit forms by the deadline. No late reimbursement forms accepted.

5.      I love Briarwood, can I sign up for more than three volunteer shifts? We want to give our families many opportunities to earn back their money, but we will never turn away the help! You can always just show up and help without signing up, but it may not count toward your volunteer fee reimbursement.

6.      Who can I contact if I have a question or need help with signing up? You can reach our Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected].

Thank you on behalf of the kids, parents, and other volunteers for taking the time out to volunteer and make our Briarwood El Camino Little League great!

Local Sponsors

Briarwood El Camino Little League

2010 El Camino Real #724 
Santa Clara, California 95050

Phone: 408-750-0038

Email: [email protected]

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